FUNAKOSHI Katsura Prints

The Small Stone Beneath the Water
Lithograph 93x75cm ed.50 1993

The Room of Sand
Lithograph 93x75cm ed.50 1993

The Mirror in the Distance
Lithograph 93x75cm ed.50 1993

Into the Sound, into My Mind
Lithograph 93x75cm ed.50 1993

His Diary
Lithograph 93x75cm ed.50 1993

The Name of Winter
Lithograph 76x56cm ed.50 1993

The Scent of Fern
Lithograph 76x56cm ed.50 1993

Dancing Paper
Lithograph 76x56cm ed.50 1993

The Frozen Throat
Lithograph 76x56cm ed.50 1993

The Light with Shadow
Lithograph 76x56cm ed.50 1993

A Strange Story
Lithograph 93x75cm ed.50 1993

The Night Talks to Me
Lithograph 93x75cm ed.30 1993

The Portrait of Mr.A
Lithograph 93x75cm ed.10 1993

Far from the Buildings
Lithograph 93x75cm ed.50 1993

To the Town of Sleep
Lithograph 76x56cm ed.50 1993

The Long Tune
Lithograph 76x56cm ed.50 1993

Irregular Caesuras
Aquatint, Drypoint 103×78cm ed.45 1993

Words on the Wall
Aquatint, Drypoint 103×78cm ed.30 1993

The Teachings of Winter
Aquatint, Drypoint 103×78cm ed.30 1993

The Guest of Winter
Aquatint, Spit bite, Soft ground, Drypoint 67×58cm ed.30 1993

Carrying Words
Aquatint, Drypoint 67×58cm ed.30 1993

To Keep Watching the Town
Aquatint, Drypoint 67×58cm ed.30 1993

The Old Mirror
Aquatint, Drypoint 76×58cm ed.30 1993